Thursday, July 14, 2011

Uni Marks

I got my marks today.

Psychology = HD
Human Biology = HD
Homeostasis = HD
Sociology = D

I was pretty disappointed with Sociology, not because the mark is bad, because a distinction is pretty darn good, but because I was only one mark off a High Distinction. That really shits me. If I had just studied it a bit more...but I was fairly complacent with sociology. I just get it and it makes sense to me. What fucked me up was contemporary theorists. I can never remember who said what... :P

REALLY happy with a HD for Homeostasis. I was worried about that one. Biology can be so fucking hard sometimes! Especially when you involve hormones. I really wish I had paid more attention when I was sorting my enrolment. For those who don't know I found out half way through semester (after I was already starting to struggle) that Homeostasis is a 200 unit....for 3rd year students...but by that point it was too late to change to one more manageable. In many ways i am glad I did it. I can add a bit of endocrinology to my degree, and I am NEVER taking another biology unit again. I don't know what I was thinking...I didn't even do bio in high school...I really screwed myself...but I got HD's so I didn't crash n burn at least. It is kind of funny that the units I thought I'd do badly in Idid well in and the units I thought I'd do well in I did poorly in...

My psych mark was it should be. If I had gotten any less I would have been very disappointed.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


For me, atheism is a very simple thing. Once you establish that all religions have an equal claim to the truth, you are left with the option to either pick one, which leaves the dilemma of certainty, or there is the choice to worship a non-specific deity - at which point, the question follows, if this entity wanted to be worshipped, wouldn't it have been so clear about such a thing, that no one would be able to argue and there would only be one religion? if this non-specific creator entity doesn't care enough to leave all people with no doubt as to its existence, it either doesn't exist, or doesn't care.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

On a lighter note...

My store has stock at the moment! mEdiCATeD mERiNO is officially in business! I WILL be stocking more in the near future. I am currently working on the licencing of several patterns, so look out for knitted stuff soon too.

I finished my first semester of Uni and am now waiting for my results. more on that when they come through.

lots of much there is no point in writing about it.

Jordis is enjoying soccer.

I got me some oil paints. Hopefully I will have something to show for it soon.

Ode to a Drop-kick

I just read the most jaw-droppingly STUPID thing I have EVER read in my life...and that is saying something. It was an argument between the below linked girl and someone I know about the difference between 20 weeks and 5 months and the age of this girls baby. Normally I wouldn't say something like this, but some people should NEVER be allowed to have children. I pity this girl and her whole family, her child and everyone connected with her.Such blatantly arrogant, ignorant, mind-numbingly belligerent behaviour and language on her part and her family's is a testament to her inability to provide a proper life for her offspring. Whilst I DON'T think that the difference between 20 weeks and 5 months is important, or even a factor that shows how utterly vacuous this girl is, her reaction to anyone's negative opinion, inability to communicate using coherent language, violent attitude, foul mouth and pride in being a total loser do. This girl is a drop-kick. A deadbeat loser with no prospects and I can tell that JUST from the argument I witnessed (that and the fact she has almost as many pictures of her favourite alcoholic beverages as she does of her child). Sometimes I wonder what these people think of themselves. Whether they realise how stupid and useless they are, or if they really think they are hot shit. It never fails to amaze me how totally vapid some people are...I'd laugh...but it's not funny. This girl has a child... Someone who depends on her. Who is going to support her child? By that i mean who is going to make sure he can become all he can be? I truly hope he grows up to be even a fraction more worth while than his mother appears to be. I can't even say that despite her being stupid and totally without ambition, uneducated, irresponsible, violent and foul, that she is actually a really nice person, because I don't think I would EVER want to meet her. \rant

PS. Cortney, if you read this, there is a reason why people who act and think like you never make anything of themselves. That's just not how the real world works. What works for you in your little microcosm, is considered troglodytic and disgusting by the general public. Your foul language and deliberate butchering of all of the rules of grammar and spelling is NOT is atrocious and serves to portray you as an ignorant and vulgar simpleton. If you really give a damn about your son, you will clean your act up.