I have lots of wooly updates for you!
So, if you may recall, I went away and took with me some scrummy roving to spin. Well, that wool has been spun! Checkit!
I have the most amaing boyfriend too by the way. One who bought me a spinning wheel, chair, cards and fleeces. :D yep! that's right! I now have a spinning wheel. It is, unfourtunately, in need of some repairing, but I am more than willing to give it the time it needs. :)
You will have to forgive the poor quality of the photos but it was pitch black. I am very excited about having the wheel! I am so upset that I couldn't bring it back with me on the train. I will have to wait until march to get it. :(in the meantime, i am hoping to learn a thing or two about spinning on a wheel so that when i do get mine, i can get into it.
The other roving that I dyed to take on holidays with me is currently in the process of being spun. I have Tara to thank for the technique i am using. Unfourtunately, the roving got really badly knocked around in travelling, and it is in bad shape. so, i am using the "ply on the fly" or Navajo plying technique to spin it and it is working like a charm! Thanks Tara!
This is how its done!
This is what I have done on it so far. It isnt perfect, but not bad for my first plyed yarn methinks :)
I have also been recently taking some serious influence for dying from, of all places, Shirley Barber. I dyed my first lot of wool as inspired by her paintings and it turned out ok, although not really what i was going for. I am totally looking forward to spinning this!
I have the plan to purchase a large quantity of wool from Virginia Farm Woolworks if i can summon up the money. The wonderful wool that Rae Gave me is begining to fun low and i will need to get more. This particular farm has awesome prices and i have heard very good wool too, so I am very excited.
I finally got around to making the knitting bag i have been planning for ever.
Jordis' Cardigan is nearly finnished! I just have to do one more sleeve and assemble it! I love it! I will post about it whenit is finnished.
Well thats about all for now. More to come in the near future. For now though, take care!
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