Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Very generous gifts.

I have been gifted twice now in the last month with some very generous gifts. The first one was a $50 note that someone left in my front door. They left it anonymously, but I think I know who it was. I can't be 100% sure though, so i will not name names. The generosity has stuck in my mind, as the donation has helped me to pay for my Uni text books, which overall, ended up costing me nearly $550 - actually less than they were going to originally, due to me getting one of them second hand. I want the gifter to know, that I truly love and appreciate them. THANK YOU!

The second gift, I have been asked not to give details about, but I did not feel I could let the extremely generous gesture go unmentioned. So, without (again) Naming Names, Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Your generosity is very keenly felt and I promise, I will make it up to you as soon as I am able to. If you read this, thank you.

I feel like i have been on the receiving end of more than my fair share of kindness and generosity. I am so humbled by the very kind actions of two very special people. I promise, I will make it up to everyone. Thank you!