Saturday, October 2, 2010

To do:

I am feeling pretty good today. I was on the Ravelry group "Over The Fence early this morning and came across a thread labled "I will clean all the things!" - which for those of you that are unaware, is a reference to the very humorous post on "Hyperbole and a Half - This is Why I'll Never be an Adult"

The focus of the thread was to create a To Do list and then publicly mark off when you have achieved each thing.

I like this idea. So, I put up my to do list, and have been working through it over the course of the morning.

So far, at 12 midday, my list is as follows.

  1. Shower -DONE
  2. Make Breakfast - DONE
  3. Clean Kitchen - DONE
  4. Make Caramel Slice - Pending
  5. Vacuum House- DONE
  6. Clean the Shower - DONE
  7. Wash, Dry and Fold at least one load of washing - DONE
  8. Tidy my desk - DONE
  9. Make Lunch - pending
  10. Colour in with Jordis - DONE
  11. Draw at least ONE picture - pending
  12. Cuddle Ryan - DONE
  13. Water The Plants - DONE [by the rain ;)]
  14. Feed Cats - DONE
  15. Make Dinner - pending
  16. Read to Jordis - DONE [will read some more at bed time too]
  17. STUDY - pending

So I'm not doing to bad. I am looking forward to the prospect of doing some drawing this afternoon, and the house is clean[ish]. It feels strange, that I have, for the first time in ages, separated my day up into a series of tasks. If I finish everything early does that mean I get to knit?

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